Vhils print launch and Giveaway in solidarity with FROC 2018

Vhils print launch and Giveaway in solidarity with FROC 2018

We're pleased to announce that Vhils and Underdogs are helping out Fundação Rui Osório de Castro with a fundraising action for their various projects in the field of information for parents and relatives and aid to research in paediatric oncology, through the release of a new Vhils edition. Part of the proceeds from the sale revert to the Foundation. Participate and help us support this cause. See how at froc.pt, @fundacaoruiosoriodecastro or @fundacao.rui.osorio.castro.


Join our Giveaway and win one of these prints:


- tag 3 friends on social media platforms for Vhils, Underdogs Art Store, and Fundação Rui Osório de Castro


The winner will be announced 17 October.


The edition is released 17 October at 4pm GMT+1, HERE


Support this cause. Visit froc.pt, @fundacaoruiosoriodecastro or @fundacao.rui.osorio.castro e see how.

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