±MaisMenos± // solo exhibition

±MaisMenos± // solo exhibition

Yes or No? The immersive challenge in this new ±MaisMenos± exhibition begins with a question and an individual decision. From then on, the experience diverges in how we see, feel, think and evaluate our position and our choices in a society where the answer to one same question is semantically identical: Yes or No. Polarized, binary, contrasting, this is the world vision proposed here, where individual perspectives, the way we position and educate ourselves, how we see and think finds in these same problems, apparently opposite meanings.


Explicitly inspired by films and works of literature with a dystopian and philosophical nature – including Blade Runner, They Live, The Matrix, Brave New World, We (Yevgeny Zamyatin) – ±MaisMenos± confronts us with our own contradictions, our doubts, anguishes and (un)certainties. As a form of critical and reflective participation, a central characteristic of the ±MaisMenos± project, “Yes or No Future” reveals itself as an experience where our physicality operates in each piece – be it through sight, movement or touch – reminding us that we are active agents in the (de)construction of our reality(ies), either through the confrontation with what we are given to reflect upon, or by the sharing of space with the other, even if (almost always?) constricted by our perspectives and our choices.


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