Escif | Exas | HalfStudio | Mariana Miserável | Nuno Viegas | Obey SKTR | Openfield | Pedro Podre | Pipoca | Raquel Belli | JonOne | Bboys/Bgirls | Confeere | Gil Ferrão | Herberto Smith | Luísa Homem + Inês Sapeta Dias | Mantraste | Lukanu Mpasy
Festival Iminente is where the best expressions of urban culture on a global scale come together in an explosion of creativity and entertainment. Since 2016, Festival Iminente has taken over five cities across four countries, with a total of nine editions featuring over three-hundred Portuguese and international artists. Underlined by the curatorial partnership between Iminente, Alexandre Farto aka Vhils and Underdogs, it is a safe space for the true and free spirit of urban culture in all of its forms. In 2021 Festival Iminente is back between 7 and 10 October, in Matinha, Lisbon.