Onun Trigueiros
Onun Trigueiros (b. 1997) considers himself as a collector of images, a multidisciplinary artist hailing from peripheral contexts inspired by the artistic community of the Sintra Line, where he was born, grew up and still lives today. He studied Artistic Production – Engraving and Screen printing at Escola Artística António Arroio, in Lisbon, and presently expresses himself through various media, including painting, collage, digital arts, photomontage, screen printing or drawing. His practice fosters the convergence between the universes of the urban arts and fine arts, actively contributing towards the progressive establishment of the former within the institutional art world. Through the project “Selos Onun” (Onun Stamps), the artist consolidates his visual identity in a creative process that emerges from old stamp collections. He is an active member of the Unidigrazz collective and frequently collaborates with other artists. Highlights among these include the creation of singles' covers, the direction of music videos, concert backgrounds, light and styling balancing for the production of the album “Meia Riba Kalxa” by Tristany, or the visual and graphic production for Festival NaSofá, at the invitation of Dino D'Santiago.