Vasco Mourão
Vasco Mourão (b. 1979), also known as Mister Mourão, is a Portuguese artist, illustrator, and architect based in Barcelona. Obsessed with the drawing of cities and architectural forms, his practice has been establishing itself through line drawing, usually with recourse to a black pen, by way of which he creates dense, intricate compositions blending both real and imaginary structures and spaces. Drawing mostly from memory and his knowledge as an architect, he deconstructs the elements of the city and re-arranges them on a variety of mediums, creating a hyper-depiction of the urban landscape and its textures. Besides creating commissions for clients such as Apple and working in the field of editorial illustration—having been featured in leading publications such as The Washington Post, The New Yorker, and Wired, among others—he has also been showcasing his work in exhibitions and painting large-scale murals.